The Association for Mathematical Consciousness Science (AMCS) has urged big tech companies and other entities to accelerate research in consciousness science, considering the rapid progress of generative AIs like ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing Chat. The AMCS follows other organizations and individuals who have recently expressed concerns about AI development and its implications.

Increasing Calls for AI Guidelines and Pause

Earlier this week, the Microsoft-backed BSA called for federal rules and guidelines on AI, while in March, over a thousand signatories, including Elon Musk, requested AI labs to pause AI training. AMCS suggests that it is not far-fetched to expect AI to achieve “higher-level brain architecture and functioning,” raising ethical, legal, and political concerns.

The Importance of Consciousness Research

AMCS emphasizes the significance of consciousness research for understanding AI and its implications on society. The organization hopes that its open letter will accelerate research in this field, ensuring better comprehension of AI and promoting positive outcomes for humanity.

AI’s Rapid Evolution and Public Debate

As AI systems become more advanced, some experts have called for pausing developments until effective safety measures can be designed and implemented. Tallulah Riley, Elon Musk’s ex-wife, recently tweeted that artificial general intelligence (AGI) needs “the equivalent of [environmental activist] Greta Thunberg” to raise awareness and encourage public debate.

AMCS’s Open Letter and Consciousness Research

AMCS’s open letter, titled “The responsible development of AI agenda needs to include consciousness research,” does not explicitly advocate for pausing AI development in general. Instead, it calls for a greater scientific understanding of consciousness, its potential application to AI, and how society might live alongside it.

Excitement and Nervousness Surrounding AI

Despite the concerns raised, there is as much excitement as nervousness around AI. Investment money is pouring into AI-related projects, and AI applications are predicted to replace millions of full-time jobs while also creating new human jobs requiring different skills.