Our lives were changed forever in 2020 when the pandemic struck. Sending millions out of the office, forced to not only work, but to learn to function in an isolating environment. Since then, remote teams have become a staple in our everyday lives, becoming a way of life that many people actually enjoy. Although work from home numbers have been on a steady decline since the first lockdown, 40% of U.S. employees still work remotely at least one day per week. Especially in industries like educational or business services, many employees now rely on a hybrid schedule to find success. Let’s explore the use of remote teams below.

In nearly every corner of the United States, remote work opportunities are out there. Although this model of work is not as popular in other countries, there are still ways to work remotely across the globe as well. Although the popularity of working from home has settled since its conception, there is no doubt that it offers several benefits for both employees and consumers.

Popularity of Remote Teams

Distributed teams across both remote and in-person platforms can offer many positives for the employees under this model. First, it eliminates or completely reduces the need for a commute, allowing for people to save money and time on otherwise costly necessities. This schedule allows for a more enjoyable and controllable workday, often leading to fewer meetings, more quiet time, or a more flexible day overall. This extra time no longer spent on a commute can give back moments with family, friends, or time spent on extracurricular activities.

It is no surprise that when employees are happy and thriving that the businesses they work for are also successful. This is why employers benefit from remote work as well, fostering an environment in which workers are more motivated to succeed and make a difference. First, remote work reduces absenteeism. Studies have shown 56% fewer employee absences and 50% fewer employee sick days under a remote or hybrid work model. Also, this model boosts productivity, as nearly 70% of businesses have seen an increase in recent years. Incorporating remote work into a business model can also lower turnover and even save money. In fact, it can reduce employee churn by 50% and reduce the cost per employee by as much as $37k annually.

Remote Work by the Numbers

The data is clear, as 2023 studies have found that 98% of people reveal that they want to work remotely at least some or all of the time. In order to make this a reality, there are several steps to be taken to ensure that teams are kept out of the office.

First, connectivity platforms are a must. Some of the most common that rose to fame in 2020 were Zoom and Microsoft teams. Now being joined by other smaller servers, these platforms must be up and running for all employees. This ensures that workers can stay connected, communicative, and productive no matter where they work. Without these tools, businesses may experience glitches, blackouts, or spotty calls when working remotely. Cybersecurity and IT tools are a must for any business on a hybrid or remote schedule. Not only do these services help to defend users from digital threats, but it also ensures that problems are met with immediate attention and solutions.

Without these resources in the toolbelt, technological problems may get worse before they get better, slowing down productivity and hindering efficiency. Finally, artificial intelligence can and should be used in a variety of ways to streamline the entire business model. Experts suggest using such technology for scheduling, creating optimal work schedules based on availability and compatibility. However, AI has the power to help in many other sectors as well, quickly becoming a staple for businesses and individuals across industries.


Although we are now in our fourth year of fighting against the pandemic, the ways of life that we adopted during this time have not gone away. In fact, they have become interwoven into the very fabrics of our lives, forever changing the culture and norms in the workplace and beyond. Because of this, businesses that are able to harness these strategies and resources will be the ones that come out on top. Maintaining remote teams is a powerful tool, used to boost productivity, and to prepare employees and the company as a whole for the demands of tomorrow.

return to office or work from home
Source: Unrubble.com